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Clemens Fürtler und Steinbrener/Dempf & Huber, Laokoon I+II, 2018, Pigmentdrucke, Holz Metall, Faller AMS-Schienen, 150 x 100 x 22 cm
Blossom Street, 2018, 130 cm Druchmesser, 66 cm Höhe (variabel), Pigemtdrucke, Holz, Metall
Blossom Street, 2018, 130 cm Druchmesser, 66 cm Höhe (variabel), Pigemtdrucke, Holz, Metall – Detail
Blossom Street, 2018, 130 cm Druchmesser, 66 cm Höhe (variabel), Pigemtdrucke, Holz, Metall – Detail
Cemetery I, 2018, 79 x 100 x 8 cm, Pigentdruck auf Leinwand collagiert
Cemetery II, 2018, 79 x 100 x 8 cm, Pigentdruck auf Leinwand collagiert
Black Limbo, 2018, 79 x 100 x 8 cm, Pigentdruck auf Leinwand collagiert
Easy Rider I, 2018, 84 x 63 x 9 cm, Pigmentdruck, Holz, Kunststoff
Easy Rider II, 2018, 84 x 63 x 9 cm, Pigmentdruck, Holz, Kunststoff
Bacillariophyceae, 2018, 84 x 63 x 9 cm, Pigmentdruck, Holz, Kunststoff
Pearl Harbor, 2018, 84 x 63 x 9 cm, Pigmentdruck, Holz, Kunststoff
Slippery, 2018, 120 x 158 cm, Pigmentdruck

Ligação Interchange

A joint exhibition by Clemens Fürtler and Steinbrener/Dempf & Huber at Kunsthaus Muerz

As an issue, traffic—the subject of Ligação Interchange—is perhaps more important than the migrant debate. You need only recall the biggest man-made structure: the road network. For years, Clemens Fürtler and the Steinbrener/Dempf & Huber artist collective have been exploring this subject from very different angles. Fürtler developed “Bildmaschinen” (image machines), kinetic sculptures consisting of model-making components. The filigree architectural structures of impressive dimensions are set in the realm between fascination and criticism of everyday aesthetics and civilisational madness and explore movement and space in an urban world. In their works Steinbrener/Dempf & Huber focus on the commercialisation of urban space, the relationship of civilisation and nature. Their works in public space have regularly created a great stir. In their current studio works they juxtapose the structures of civilisation and forms from nature.

The exhibition, that will also feature works developed jointly by Clemens Fürtler and Steinbrener/Dempf & Huber, presents international subjects along with site-specific aspects of this topic.



October 6, 2018, 7 p.m.
kunsthaus muerz – Walter Buchebner Saal
Wiener Straße 35, 8680 Mürzzuschlag

October 6 – November 4, 2018
Opening Hours
Thursday – Saturday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. • Sunday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

www.kunsthausmuerz.at • fuertler.jimdo.com